Bookie Psychology News – Near Misses Doesn’t Encourage Continued Gambling

Bookie Psychology News – Near Misses Doesn’t Encourage Continued Gambling

Contrary to popular opinion, continued play and near misses have no relationship at all. For decades, researchers believed that getting close to a win will encourage players to continue betting. However, a new study from the University of Alberta showed there’s no such thing as a near-miss effect.

The study investigated the relationship between continued gambling behavior and near-miss situations in both animal and human subjects. They found out that they can’t replicate the conclusion that near-misses increase the rate of play.

They conducted the study under the supervision of Marcia Spetch, a professor from the Department of Psychology. Also, their new research showed there are inconsistencies and problems in the cited proofs for near misses. They shared their conclusion to bookie pay per head reviews and news sites.

Near Misses Doesn’t Affect Brain Activities

Bookie Psychology News – Near Misses Doesn’t Encourage Continued GamblingThere is no concrete evidence to show near-miss situations can affect brain activity. However, the researchers conceded there are other factors that contribute to continued gambling. For instance, casinos are effective at getting people to gamble away their money for a lot of reasons. However, near misses are not one of them.

The fact that the researchers can’t reproduce the near-miss effect in controlled environments doesn’t mean people are less vulnerable to exploitations by casinos and gambling operators. The researchers told pay per head news outlets that they will continue to investigate the topic.

They hope people will try their own experiments to come up with a stronger conclusion. They want to test problem gamblers and determine if near-misses have a different effect on them.

However, there are times when a near-miss situation leads to a happy ending. A sports bettor nearly won a lot of money but missed it by a single point. Instead of betting again, he looked at how much money you need to be a bookie. Then he started his own bookie pay per head business. At present, he has a successful bookie business.