Corona Casino Reopens after Coronavirus Lockdown

Corona Casino Reopens after Coronavirus Lockdown

Casinos in Vietnam closed temporarily following the government orders for a two-week lockdown starting April 1. It was the government’s effort to slow down the spread of the coronavirus in the country. The good news is that the Corona Casino reopens after the government lifted the closure order.

There were 288 confirmed cases of coronavirus infections in Vietnam. Also, the country has a zero-death toll. As a result, the government is allowing the reopening of nonessential businesses. Casinos can now open their doors to the public if they practice social distancing. Also, the government requires increased health measures.

To attract guests, Corona Casino is offering discounted rates on stays. Also, it offers discounts on entertainment and dining. The casino resort wants to be a haven of relaxation after the stressful health crisis.

Corona Casino Reopens

Corona Casino Reopens after Coronavirus LockdownCorona Casino is the only casino in the country that allows residents to play in its casino floors. However, Vietnamese players need to provide proof of their monthly income. They need to earn at least 10 million dongs or $430 a month before they can enter the casino. Also, they need to pay an entrance fee of one million dongs for each entry, according to bookie pay per head sources.

The casino features 100 table games and 1,000 slot machines. Also, it has 1,300 rooms, a private pool, amusement park, theater, golf course, shopping mall, and a private beach. Based on white label sportsbook sources, the casino resort also a large convention center.

Although the casino is back in business, it is not back to its normal operations. Management will implement strict occupancy limits. Also, operating times are down to 12 hours daily. According to pay per head sportsbook reports, Corona has the most table games and slot machines among the 40 casinos in Vietnam. Coming in second place is Ho Tram Resort, with 90 table games and 600 slot machines.